opening hours
Tuesday to Sunday
10:00 - 20:00
Zahir Pajaziti Square
A prominent crossroads in central Prishtina, Zahir Pajaziti Square connects the Mother Teresa Boulevard with the main roads of Kosovo’s capital city. The Grand Hotel, the National Library, the Palace of Youth and Sports and other important sites of the city can be reached within minutes. Named for the first Commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army, this popular public space was rebuilt in 2013 by the Municipality of Prishtina, with the intent of creating more fluidity of movement within the city centre and hosting cultural and sports events.
Flanked by cafes, the square is a place to sit, pause and survey the changing city. Busy at all times of the day, it is a place where citizens gather to exercise their right to peaceful assembly, relax with friends and interact with international visitors. Zahir Pajaziti Square hosts small enterprises of all kinds, including charismatic booksellers, whose kiosks overflow with vintage titles from a range of genres.