Citizen Consultations are happening in Prishtina!


The first sessions of our Manifesta 14 Citizen Consultations in Prishtina are underway! Throughout the month of October, the Education Department of Manifesta 14 is holding Citizen Consultations in various locations around the city. Created in collaboration with different communities and groups in Prishtina, the workshops are designed and conceptualised by Studio L A, co-founded by the Bosnian-Dutch architect Arna Mačkić and the Dutch architect Lorien Beijaert.

Citizen Consultations in Prishtina © Manifesta 14 Prishtina / Atdhe Mulla

Looking into the social fabric of Prishtina through conversation, these discussions aim to explore the central topic, “whose culture?”. They are part of a participatory approach to biennial programming, as the ideas and themes that emerge form the foundation around which the programme is built. Specifically, these workshops seek to understand the ways culture(s) are understood and practiced by different communities in Prishtina, as well as the attitudes and sensitivities of local people to the socio-cultural, educational and developmental policies of their city.

The over-arching goal is to expand upon existing relationships between cultural organisations and their audiences and to develop new dialogues between various communities and institutions. The results of these conversations will be publicly accessible and will serve as a starting point for the biennial programme of Manifesta 14 Prishtina 2022.

These workshops are organised in collaboration with Ngo Aktiv, Termokiss and facilitated by ARS – Applicative Research Solutions.