Hristina Ivanoska

1974, MK
Document Missing: Broken Document Breaks out into Poetry, 2022, © Hristina Ivanoska. Photo © Manifesta 14 Prishtina / Ivan Erofeev

The artistic practice of Hristina Ivanoska (1974, MK) is entangled with issues of suppression, control and construction of collective memory as it relates to women’s resistance strategies and politics. She validates handcraft such as embroidery, weaving, pottery and quilting as mediums of political and social value and as a representation of individual struggles and limitations.

Since 2000, she has been collaborating with the artist Yane Calovski; together, they represented North Macedonia at the 56th Venice Bienniale (2015). In 2004, Ivanoska and Calovski co-founded ‘press to exit project space’—a platform for artistic research and curatorial practices, in Skopje. Ivanoska is currently a PhD-in-Practice candidate at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.

Creating situations that ‘were and were not’, Ivanoska in her performances becomes a flexible and porous entity, a medium through which different identities are brought back to life. Her body of work emphasises the lack of recognition of women’s history in Macedonian society and its links to current forms of political activism and theory.



Good as Hell: Voicing Resistance

22.07 → 30.10.2022 12.00-00.00
National Gallery of Kosovo



Document Missing: Performance no. 6 (Daughter) – Hristina Ivanoska

23.07.2022 21.00-21.45
National Library of Kosovo